Sunday, August 17, 2008

Geeky Speaky Hemali...hehe

I dont know really what is this friends are saying that am crazy...Is it really soooo ???
naahhhhh...not obviously...
But I still remeber those days, I always had debate wid one of my classmate on topic like girls have a better love of gadgets than guys !! but frankly speaking I always love that discussion.Don't believe me? Well then, do u know the dictionary definition of a gadget. According to "" a "Gadget" is "A small specialized mechanical or electronic device" or "a device that [is] very useful for a particular job ". Wow - really specific eh?

I still remember sitting in elementary or high school with my peers. The boys would come in with a wooden pencil and a pen. Maybe a pink eraser. Likely, they packed all of these things in their pockets. On the other hand, the girls would arrive with cute little pencil cases crammed full of mechanical pencils, glow in the dark pens, purple erasers, sticky notes, etc. etc. All their things would be nicely organized in different, well, gadgets. Guys would have nothing to do with the cute little pencil cases - they weren't "manly" enough. Girls on the other hand, if it could be used for a special purpose or "particular job", we'd be all over it. Hmmmmm.... looks to me like even at an early age, girls have a better love of gadgets than guys.

on my last birthday, my dad gave me a car as my gift nd truely speaking It was really a gr8 gift for u dad...but dont know wht happened to me and my first que to my dad was like "isnt thr a DVD player in my car??? "

Hey, stop looking at me like I'm an alien as I'm walking around with my headphones in my ears and my BlackBerry on my belt. I'm freaking normal damnit (at least, that's what the voices in my head keep telling me....:)

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